This treadmill is very thin and light weight... I can store in under the bed easily or move it anywhere. This is perfect for my need.
Treadmill is nice but speed above 13 it starts shaking. Will reccomend it to people who have to just walk to lightly jog.
I got 1 run treadmill but now I have 2.
The product is brilliant for people like me who want to use treadmill for light jogging and waking to stay fit to bare minimum.
I have been using this product now for over 3 months. The quality is nice but I cannot run in this beyond the speed of 16 so it is good only for walking and jogging type people who just need to get a workout in.
Got this for my wife as a Mother's Day gift. Really happy with the prompt delivery and noiseless operation of the product. Highly recommend at this price point.