A good knee exercise bike for home use
Reliable, sturdy & good quality bike. Easy to use, working as expected!
My father liked it.
Very useful machine. They have done installation perfectly.
Item is good and meeting my needs.
I was suffering from my knee pain, but after using this bike I have got the relief in knee pain.
I will suggest this for senior citizens and for those who are suffering from knee pain.
Good, sturdy and easy to use product with heartbeat rate function. Have used it for few days so far and face zero issues.
Has adjustable seat for people with varying height. Feels like a moneys worth product.
Very good birthday gift for my grand father and grand mother.
My father was suffering from knee and back pain problem.
Our family doctor recommend for recumbent bike.
Then we search and find this Cosco 77R recumbent bike suitable for my father.
Now he is doing exercise daily and getting healthy day by day.
Thank you Cosco.